Tomlow (and a visit to a poof shop)

On Monday morning Buddy and I walked up to the household waste and recycling centre and Stockton to check on their opening hours.  This stretch of the Grand Union has very few rubbish disposal points and I needed to get rid of a couple of bags of refuse that have built up.

On our way there we walked through Stockton cutting and I was reminded of the many days through spring and summer that we spent butterflying there this year.  It is a good site for Small Blues and we saw our first on May 23rd this year. They are tiny butterflies, usually only about 3/4“ across, and are not very common:

I’m including this picture from spring to remind us of the warmer days we had then

The undergrowth and flowers have all long gone now

This was Karen taking a picture of a Grizzled Skipper in the same location on May 5th this year

I mentioned in the last blog entry that we had had to go shopping over the weekend and it tickled me that we had to find a poof shop.  We have been making do with an old collapsible table to rest our feet on at night.

We now have a nice comfy poof to share

Today, Tuesday, will be a day of odd jobs and monthly admin that still has to be done even when retired.

Frosty towpath on our return from our first walk on Tuesday morning

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